The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the largest and the oldest civil rights organization in our nation. Its birth was rooted in the disenfranchisement of African Americans and people of color. The multiracial group of founders sought to find enfranchisement for those oppressed persons.
The Lincoln Branch NAACP is an official chartered branch of the NAACP. Since its founding in 1918, the Lincoln Branch NAACP has played an unparalleled role in improving the lives of those who are socially, politically and economically disenfranchised in Lincoln and its surrounding communities. Toward these ends, Lincoln Branch NAACP has always strived to identify, monitor and prioritize our communities' needs, then partner with like minded individuals and organizations to meet those needs. Lincoln Branch NAACP continues to pursue strategic alliances with businesses, non-governmental organizations, and persons of all races who share its goals.
The Lincoln Branch NAACP has always been open to members of the Lincoln and surrounding communities regardless of their political affiliation, race, gender, class, sexual orientation, or faith. As membership and volunteerism are vital to the sustainability of the Lincoln Branch NAACP and the important role it plays, you are encouraged to take an active part by joining us in making a positive change in our community and in America so that all people can have the freedoms our nation promises.
While building on our legacy of achievement, the Lincoln Branch NAACP is continually adapting to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We are on an irreversible path of progress with a leadership dedicated to developing and promoting civil rights and encouraging community service. We are committed to reorganizing our branch with the infusion of younger energetic members. We hope this change in our demographic profile will more closely align the Lincoln Branch NAACP with the needs of the Lincoln and surrounding communities. In addition these changes yield greater insights and energy needed to address the erosion of civil rights through the introduction of laws (local, state or federal) that erect barriers and impose burdens on disenfranchised groups.
We have re-charted the Lincoln Youth Chapter, which is comprised of Lincoln area high school students. We look forward to working with this chapter and providing assistance to assure its success. The Lincoln Branch is also committed to continuing to provide college scholarships to students as funds allow.
We have also chartered a University of Nebraska College chapter, which is comprised of Lincoln area college students. We welcome the opportunity to work with these young leaders who endeavor to make college and community life a positive and engaging experience that fulfills the NAACP mission.
We are continuing to build bridges to freedom, equality, and justice with members, partners, and supporters. The Lincoln Branch NAACP looks forward to a bright future.
President......................................M.Dewayne MAys, phd
Vice President...............................Rebecca Gonzales, JD
Secretary............................................crystal Dunning
Treasurer............................,,...................susan fallon
Membership Chair....................................Jareldine Mays
Education Chair.......................................Thomas Christie
Legal Redress Chair.........................(unfilled at this time)
Political Action Chair ......Jeanette e. jones-vazansky, Phd
newslettr Chair...............................vernon williams, phd
Duties and responsibilities include gathering and evaluating information on academic performances, evaluating hiring practices of the Lincoln Public School System, evaluating teaching methods as well as answering questions/concerns about the Lincoln School system, and establishing informational packet.
Political Action:
Duties and responsibilities include gathering and evaluating information on current public and national issues, and evaluating public officials, candidates and elections. In addition, organizing voter registration drives.Membership:
Duties and responsibilities include increasing membership, arranging fund raisers and mailings to members informing them of upcoming events and meeting dates. In addition, establishing and distributing informational packets about the organization.Planning/Activities:
Duties and responsibilities include planning events and activities. In addition, arranging venues, refreshments, publicity, and guest speakers for activities.Community:
Duties and responsibilities include notifying membership committee of special forums and community events. In addition, referring individuals to appropri¬ate committees.
Legal Redress:
Duties and responsibilities include meeting with individuals with questions about the legal system, meeting with attorneys and closely monitoring cases which involve our organization. In addition, referring persons in need of direc¬tion concerning legal representation.Newsletter:
Duties and responsibilities include generating ideas, writing articles. Gathering information, and selling ads for publication in our bi-monthly newsletter.Labor / Industry:
Duties and responsibilities include establishing informational packets.